Former Florida mayor gets 15 years for child pornography

Kevin Hohn, 66, will be required to serve five years of supervised release and to register as a sex offender. CLICK TO READ FULL

2 Charlotte County deputies escape Englewood rollover crash unharmed

Two Charlotte County deputies were involved in a crash while responding to an emergency call about a person lying in the street in the 4200 block of South Access Road in Englewood on Tuesday night.… CLICK TO READ FULL Joey Pellegrino

Dog that attacked and killed 71-year-old rescue worker has been euthanized

Gladys, the mixed-breed dog that attacked and killed a 71-year-old woman at an Oakland Park animal rescue facility, has been euthanized. CLICK TO READ FULL Chris Perkins

Former head of Miss Florida Scholarship Program faces fraud charges, DOJ says

The former executive director for the Miss Florida Scholarship Program was indicted in federal court for fraud charges on Tuesday. CLICK TO READ FULL Richard Tribou