On Tuesday, the City of St. Augustine will fly the American flag in honor of former City Commissioner and Vice Mayor Raymond Connor. CLICK TO READ FULL www.actionnewsjax.com
Day: July 12, 2022

The AMP announces nation topping sales numbers
The AMP via social media: “The concert industry is making a strong comeback in 2022, and The Amp is leading the way according to industry-leading publication Pollstar. Huge thanks to the artists, our partners, and the fans for helping us reach #1 in the U.S. and #2 in the world for Amphitheatre ticket sales!”

SJSO update on deaths in St. Augustine Shores
7/12 Updated Statement from SJSO on deaths in St. Augustine Shores: “On July 11, 2022, The St. Johns County Sheriff’s Office responded to an incident of two individuals deceased in their residence. A known friend of the family came by to drop off groceries and found a note from one of the individuals stating that they were deceased inside of the residence. Both of these individuals were elderly and suffered from severe medical issues. This was being investigated as a murder suicide and autopsy results confirmed those findings. Both individuals sustained gun shot wounds. Please keep the family and friends…
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Construction for A1A intersection improvements at Mary Street begins
FDOT is scheduled to begin intersection improvement work on State Road A1A at Mary Street starting Monday, weather and unforeseen circumstances permitting. CLICK TO READ FULL www.actionnewsjax.com