On Tuesday, Otter’s on the Water made a somewhat unofficial announcement that they would be closing their doors, as part of a comment on a review group thread.
The comment, from their official Facebook have said,
“Hi Everyone – On Thursday of last week we received notice from our neighbors that they were blocking most of our parking and would be towing our customers. We will be left with a total of 37 parking spots for all of our customers and employees. Since the day we opened, we have been fighting against this as our parking was quickly stolen from us. We have gone to community meetings, filed lawsuits, and done everything we can think of. We even had an emergency injunction set for next month, but we were not given the chance by our neighbors to get to that date before they started towing. We are extremely sad that it has come to this, but we are unwilling to open in an environment where we cannot confidentially say our employee’s and patron’s cars and possessions will be safe. We greatly appreciated the support of the community and our many loyal customers who have blessed us with their support over the last six months. It comes with an extremely heavy heart that we have to close our doors. We hope everyone the best and hope to back in the community soon.”
As of 3p Tuesday, they have still not posted an official message to the public on their social media timelines.
I hope you can find another space that is more accommodating. We came by when you were getting ready to open. Chatted a bit with you guys.
We have t had a chance to come by but we heard it was a great place to eat.
This is ridiculous!!!!
The city needs to figure out how to help businessea that want to offer jobs and places for us to spend our money here.
Enough of this in St Augustine.
The marina can’t possibly need alot of space.
Sorry to hear this great place awesome menu please try to reopen somewhere a lil more south near matanzas inlet would be great..