Federal grand jury indicts St. Augustine teacher accused of trying to meet ‘teen’ for sex

A federal grand jury on Wednesday indicted a St. Johns County private school teacher accused of trying to meet a teenager, who was actually an undercover agent, for sex. CLICK TO READ FULL www.news4jax.com

St. Johns County School District looks at rezoning northwest schools to address overcrowding

The St. Johns County School Board on Tuesday morning got its first look at potential attendance zone changes for the northwest part of the county. CLICK TO READ FULL www.news4jax.com

165 gallons of diesel fuel spilled in St. Augustine waterway

State regulators are investigating after dozens of gallons of diesel fuel spilled into a St. Augustine waterway. They’re working to determine if the act was intentional. CLICK TO READ FULL www.news4jax.com

Gov. DeSantis approves $800M in Florida’s budget for teacher raises

Gov. Ron DeSantis on Monday announced he is approving $800 million for teacher pay raises in this year’s budget passed by the Florida legislature. CLICK TO READ FULL www.news4jax.com