Ponte Vedra Beach man sentenced for receiving videos of child sexual abuse

Harrison Frith admitted to receiving child sexual abuse videos over the internet and to having online video chats during which child sexual abuse videos were played. CLICK TO READ FULL www.firstcoastnews.com

St. Johns County family concerned about loved ones in Ukraine

St. Johns County mother Mariana Shatova and her husband once Kyiv called home but are still on edge knowing their family members still live there. CLICK TO READ FULL www.actionnewsjax.com

‘Everyone misses him’: Classmates, friends share memories at vigil for teen lost in canoe accident

It was an emotional few hours Saturday for dozens at Alpine Groves Park who gathered for a memorial vigil for Riley Teixeira, a sophomore at Creekside High School, who died after his canoe flipped… CLICK TO READ FULL www.news4jax.com

St. Augustine man recalls rushing to help wrong-way driver whose car careened off Buckman Bridge

Johnny Glennon says he was heading home to St. Augustine, when suddenly he witnessed a wrong-way driver who crashed their car on the Buckman Bridge — careening into the St. Johns River. CLICK TO READ FULL www.news4jax.com