Investigation spanning 2+ years nets arrest of suspected drug dealer in St. Johns County

#sjso #stjohnscountysheriff #stjohnscountysheriffsoffice Sheriffsoffice #police #cops

St. Augustine to be featured in PBS travel show

St. Augustine is the focus of the next episode of the Emmy-award-winning PBS travel show “Samantha Brown’s Places to Love.” CLICK TO READ FULL

St. Johns County teachers protesting salaries, calling it ‘Work to Contract Day’

#stjohnscounty #stjohnscountynews #stjohns #stjohnsnews #staugustine #staugustineflorida

St. Johns County to host 10th annual ‘CHARACTER COUNTS! 6 Pillars Run/Walk’

#stjohnscounty #stjohnscountynews #stjohns #stjohnsnews #staugustine #staugustineflorida