Congressman Michael Waltz recognizes Volusia, Flagler, St. Johns County milestones on house floor

HONORING THE LIFE OF MIKE JILOTY The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the gentleman from Florida (Mr. Waltz) for 5 minutes. Mr. WALTZ. Madam Speaker, on December 25, Volusia County, Florida,… CLICK TO READ FULL admin

Some parents in RiverTown community upset over proposed school rezoning proposal

Parents in one St. Johns County neighborhood are upset about a new proposed rezoning plan for students. CLICK TO READ FULL

Romanza Festivale set for April 29 start

Romanza Festivale of Music and the Arts, the renowned professional performance series with art, music and culture in historic St. Augustine, is celebrating its 11th year and includes more than 35… CLICK TO READ FULL

County approves $400,000 study on impacts of Summer Haven River

Storms repeatedly send waves overtopping the beach and rushing into the river, sending sand into it. CLICK TO READ FULL