Ponte Vedra teen taking wheelchair basketball talents to the University of Alabama

Tim Houston won two national championships while playing for the Brooks Ballers and Bullsharks. He’s also represented Team USA internationally. CLICK TO READ FULL www.firstcoastnews.com

Proposed apartments concern neighbors in St. Johns County

The project plans for 238 town homes and apartments on 19 acres of what is now woods. Would it bring too much traffic to already busy roads? CLICK TO READ FULL www.firstcoastnews.com

Bears spotted in St. Johns County – Tips to avoid problems

According to the FWC, bears are usually inactive from January to April. CLICK TO READ FULL www.firstcoastnews.com

County commissioners approve Silver Leaf expansion amid large public show of disapproval

A heated debate over expanding a St. Johns County neighborhood. CLICK TO READ FULL www.actionnewsjax.com