LOW: Man arrested after stealing field trip money from private St. Augustine school

The cash was SeaWorld field trip money, according to officials. CLICK TO READ FULL www.firstcoastnews.com

Painting from Ukrainian American artist featured at Wednesday’s Art Walk

“It’s never somebody else’s war,” said Artist Anna Miller. “It will affect all of us in one way or the other.” CLICK TO READ FULL www.firstcoastnews.com

‘Completely shocked’: Area high school football coaches weigh in on coming changes

The overall feeling from high school football coaches on both sides of the aisle following Monday’s vote to shake up the infrastructure in the state — shock. CLICK TO READ FULL www.news4jax.com

Ponte Vedra Beach man sentenced for receiving videos of child sexual abuse

Harrison Frith admitted to receiving child sexual abuse videos over the internet and to having online video chats during which child sexual abuse videos were played. CLICK TO READ FULL www.firstcoastnews.com