St. Johns County in the United States has created a new brand to showcase their unique features, which was launched at the recent Board of County Commissioners meeting. The branding project was based on community research and highlights the county’s natural resources, waterways, history and outdoor activities. It will be used in economic development efforts to attract high-wage jobs and enhance the county’s focus on commercial development. The new brand was designed by a local company and will be gradually implemented across various platforms, with the county seal remaining in use. Individuals can visit the county website for further information.…
Continue ReadingDay: May 7, 2023

USACE and St. Johns County Host Discussion on Draft Report for Ponte Vedra Beach
USACE Jacksonville and St. Johns County will hold a presentation and discussion of a draft report and environmental assessment for a coastal storm risk management feasibility study in Ponte Vedra Beach. The program is open to the public and comments may be submitted by email or postal service until May 16. The draft report and associated documents are available for review on the study webpage. CLICK TO READ SOURCE Images/Source:

St. Johns County to Hold Beach Cleanup Open to the Public
St. Johns County Parks and Recreation is seeking help from volunteers to participate in a beach clean up event on May 12. CLICK TO READ SOURCE Images/Source: