St. Johns County to Host Forum on Woodlawn Road Improvement Project

St. Johns County will be hosting an open house to discuss the planned improvement project for Woodlawn Road. The meeting will be held on Monday, July 10 from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. at Heritage Park Amenity Center, located at 225 Hefferon Drive in St. Augustine.

The project aims to enhance the road by implementing uniform lane widths, paved shoulders, and sidewalks on both sides of Woodlawn Road. This initiative will significantly improve the road’s infrastructure and enhance safety for pedestrians and drivers alike.

Representatives from the St. Johns County Public Works staff will be present at the open house to address any questions and provide further details about the project’s impact on the community. Despite the presence of one or more County Commissioners, it is important to note that no action will be taken during the open house.

More information about the project and any future developments can be obtained from the St. Johns County Board of County Commissioners.