St. Augustine Commissioners Move Forward with Nightlife Ordinance

St. Augustine city officials recently held a special city commission meeting to discuss potential changes to the operations of local bars and restaurants in the area. During the meeting, officials unanimously voted to have a first reading on an ordinance that could impose new requirements on these establishments.

If the ordinance is approved, it would mandate that bars and restaurants apply for a permit in order to sell alcohol past midnight. Additionally, these businesses would also need to have security cameras or a security guard on the premises. On weekends, amplified noise such as live music would be required to remain inside the building until midnight.

The proposed ordinance has generated mixed reactions from the community, with some people voicing concerns and others expressing support. Complaints have been made about the behavior of patrons leaving bars and restaurants, as well as the associated law enforcement costs. There is a belief among some residents that the implementation of this ordinance would contribute to making the community safer.

However, opponents of the ordinance argue that it may have negative consequences for the city’s reputation as a tourist destination. They believe that these new regulations would provide people with a reason not to visit St. Augustine, which is known as the oldest city in Florida.

While the issue has drawn strong opinions from both sides, city commissioners have recognized the need to approach the issue with careful consideration and attention to detail. It is likely that there will be a public hearing on the matter in the future.
