St. Johns County School District Holds School Rezoning Meetings for New K-8s

The St. Johns County School District is facing the challenge of reorganizing school zones to accommodate an increasing number of students. A town hall meeting was held at Bartram Trail High School to gather public input on proposed changes to attendance zones for grades K through 8 at two yet-to-be-named schools, referred to as NN and OO schools.

The school board presented six plans for review and sought feedback from the public during the meeting. The board plans to vote on the proposed changes in November, aiming to alleviate current and future issues of school overcrowding. However, some parents expressed dissatisfaction with the options presented for their neighborhoods.

Following the conclusion of the first town hall meeting, a second meeting has been scheduled to take place at Beachside High School on Thursday at 6 p.m. These changes are expected to be implemented in time for the upcoming school year at the two new schools.

Reference: WJXT