13th Annual Pin Up Paws Begins at St. Augustine Humane Society

The St. Augustine Humane Society has launched the 13th annual Pin Up Paws pet calendar photo contest. The contest aims to raise funds for the society’s mission of providing veterinary care and resources to pet owners and animals in need. Last year, the campaign raised over $33,000 through calendar votes and donations. To enter the contest, participants must submit a photo of their beloved pet and campaign for votes, with each vote valued at $1. The pet with the most votes will be featured as the cover pet for the 2024 Pin Up Paws calendar. First and second-place pets will receive professional photography sessions, and pet parents will receive gift certificates to the Columbia Restaurant on St. George Street. The 12 pets with the next highest number of votes will be runner-ups and their submitted images will be included in the calendar. The top 80 contestants will have their photos included in a calendar collage. The winners will be announced on Saturday, August 12 at 8 p.m. The calendar will be revealed at the Pin Up Paws Party on Friday, November 3, where guests can enjoy live music, a silent auction, and more. The calendars will be available for purchase at $12 each starting in November. Proceeds from submissions, votes, sponsorships, calendar sales, and party proceeds will benefit the St. Augustine Humane Society’s programs and services. For more information and to participate in the contest, visit the contest website.

Images/Source: Action News Jax