St. Johns County Teen Assaults Jewish Man During Sukkot Celebration

A Jewish community in St. Johns County, is expressing outrage after it was revealed in new court documents that a previous attack may have involved a racial slur. The incident, which reportedly involved multiple teenagers, has resulted in 18-year-old Noah Amato facing charges as an adult for aggravated battery with a deadly weapon, aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, and carrying a firearm without a license.

According to the court documents, Amato allegedly attacked a teenager who was dressed in religious clothing for a Jewish holiday celebration. During the assault, he used antisemitic language, calling the victim a “Jewish f******”. It is also stated in the report that Amato pulled out a gun and hit the victim in the face, which caused the weapon to discharge and burn the victim.

Investigators have interviewed Amato’s friend, who confirmed that the event did occur. Additionally, another witness who was not present during the attack told investigators that Amato confessed and had knowledge of the victim’s Jewish background.

The case has attracted attention on the Nextdoor app, with community members questioning why Amato has not been charged with a hate crime. Requests for comment on this matter have been made to the state attorney’s office, with a response still awaited.

Amato’s attorney has stated that he was unaware of any changes to his client’s charges at this time.