ST. JOHNS COUNTY, Florida, August 8, 2023 – St. Johns County has released two new draft reports on the Summer Haven River Study website as a part of the public engagement process to address the impacts storms have had on the flow of the Summer Haven River and, in a separate report, the critical erosion at Summerhouse. The reports are available for download and public comment at https://bit.ly/SHRstudyPublicComments. St. Johns County is planning future public engagement meetings. Please check the St. Johns County Coastal Projects Summer Haven River Study page for project updates.
The draft reports are from INTERA-GEC, whom the County contracted to develop an array of environmentally and financially sustainable long-term solutions to maintain the flow of the Summer Haven River, along with a list of potential projects to address beach erosion threatening the Summerhouse condominiums north of Fort Matanzas.
“We are planning to announce a public meeting with the authors of the reports to allow the community to provide input,” St. Johns County Emergency Management Director Joseph Giammanco said. “After the public meeting and the final report is complete, the information will be presented to the Board of County Commissioners for its direction on future policy and budgetary actions.”