HORRORscopes for the week of Apr 10, 2023

Aries: You’re always ready for a fight, Aries, but this week you might want to take a step back and let someone else win. It’s not like you’re going to get a trophy for being the most argumentative.

Taurus: You’re stubborn, Taurus, but this week you might want to consider changing your mind about something. Unless, of course, you want to be stuck in your ways forever.

Gemini: You’re known for being two-faced, Gemini, but this week you might want to try being honest for a change. It’s not like anyone will believe you anyway.

Cancer: You’re emotional, Cancer, but this week you might want to try keeping your feelings to yourself. No one wants to hear about your latest breakup or family drama.

Leo: You’re the center of attention, Leo, but this week you might want to share the spotlight with someone else. It’s not like you’re the only one with a big ego.

Virgo: You’re a perfectionist, Virgo, but this week you might want to accept that not everything can be perfect. Unless, of course, you’re okay with being a control freak.

Libra: You’re indecisive, Libra, but this week you might want to make a decision for once. Unless, of course, you want to spend the rest of your life weighing the pros and cons of every little thing.

Scorpio: You’re intense, Scorpio, but this week you might want to try being less mysterious. It’s not like anyone really cares what you’re hiding anyway.

Sagittarius: You’re adventurous, Sagittarius, but this week you might want to stay home and save some money. Unless, of course, you’re okay with being broke and homeless.

Capricorn: You’re practical, Capricorn, but this week you might want to try being a little more spontaneous. It’s not like anyone’s going to judge you for letting loose once in a while.

Aquarius: You’re unconventional, Aquarius, but this week you might want to try fitting in with the crowd. Unless, of course, you want to spend your life as a social outcast.

Pisces: You’re dreamy, Pisces, but this week you might want to try facing reality for a change. Unless, of course, you want to spend the rest of your life living in a fantasy world.