HORRORscopes for the week of Jun 26, 2023

Aries: Your impulsive nature will lead you to make some questionable decisions this month. Just remember, it’s better to ask for forgiveness than permission. Good luck with that.

Taurus: Your stubbornness will be your downfall this month. Maybe try being open to new ideas and perspectives for once? Nah, that sounds like too much effort.

Gemini: Your two-faced tendencies will finally catch up to you this month. Just remember, it’s not lying if you believe it yourself. Keep up the delusion.

Cancer: Your emotional instability will be at an all-time high this month. Maybe try not crying in public for once? Or don’t, it’s not like anyone’s really paying attention.

Leo: Your ego will be your biggest obstacle this month. Just remember, it’s not arrogance if you’re actually as great as you think you are. Keep living in that fantasy world.

Virgo: Your perfectionism will lead to some serious burnout this month. Maybe try accepting that no one’s perfect and it’s okay to make mistakes? Or don’t, it’s not like anyone actually cares.

Libra: Your indecisiveness will lead to some missed opportunities this month. Maybe try making a decision for once? Or don’t, it’s not like it really matters in the grand scheme of things.

Scorpio: Your trust issues will cause some unnecessary drama this month. Maybe try not assuming everyone’s out to get you? Or don’t, it’s not like you can’t handle a little chaos.

Sagittarius: Your lack of commitment will cost you some important relationships this month. Maybe try sticking around for once? Or don’t, it’s not like anyone really needs you anyway.

Capricorn: Your workaholic tendencies will leave you feeling burnt out and unfulfilled this month. Maybe try finding some balance in your life? Or don’t, it’s not like anyone’s impressed by your overachiever status.

Aquarius: Your rebellious nature will lead to some serious consequences this month. Maybe try following the rules for once? Or don’t, it’s not like anyone’s surprised by your antics anymore.

Pisces: Your dreamy nature will lead you to some unrealistic expectations this month. Maybe try living in reality for once? Or don’t, it’s not like anyone’s relying on you to be practical.