ST. JOHNS COUNTY, Florida, August 14, 2023 – At the Aug. 1, 2023, Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) regular meeting, the BOCC approved a resolution accepting a one-time $100,000 grant from the Florida Department of Environment Protection (FDEP) to enhance the St. Johns County Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Collection Program. St. Johns County will use the grant to help establish a processing facility for HHW materials collected from the community. The grant period runs from July 1, 2023, to June 30, 2024. There are no matching funds required from St. Johns County. This grant is appropriated within the Solid Waste Fund.
“The allocated grant funds will have a pivotal role in offsetting the expenses associated with acquiring chemical storage lockers,” St. Johns County Public Works Director Greg Caldwell said. “This will enable the County to establish a processing facility for the efficient management of Household Hazardous Waste, ultimately elevating the level of service provided to the community.”
The County’s HHW Collection Program carefully disposes of items such as motor oil, oil filters, gasoline, wax, cleaners, pool chemicals, pesticides, insecticides, aerosol cans, antifreeze, batteries, and more. Residents can drop off HHW materials free of charge at the Tillman Ridge (3005 Allen
or Stratton Road (250 North Stratton Road, St. Augustine) Transfer Stations. For more information on accepted items and hours of operation, visit
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