Aries: Brace yourself, Aries, for another week of frustration and disappointment. Your impulsive nature will lead you to make questionable decisions that will inevitably blow up in your face. Remember, patience is a virtue that you seem to lack entirely. Good luck dealing with the consequences of your actions! Taurus: Oh, Taurus, your stubbornness knows no bounds. This week, expect to face numerous obstacles that will test your patience and determination. Unfortunately, your insistence on sticking to your outdated ways will only lead to more frustration. Remember, change is inevitable, even if you refuse to accept it. Gemini: Dear Gemini,…
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HORRORscopes for the week of Nov 6, 2023
Aries (March 21 – April 19): This week, dear Aries, you will continue to bulldoze your way through life, leaving a trail of destruction in your wake. Your impulsive nature will lead you into questionable decisions, and your short temper will ensure that you burn bridges faster than you can build them. But hey, at least you’ll have some thrilling stories to tell your therapist! Taurus (April 20 – May 20): Oh, Taurus, you stubborn creature. You will spend yet another week refusing to change your ways, clinging to your outdated beliefs and resisting any form of progress. Your laziness…
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HORRORscopes for the week of Oct 30, 2023
Aries: This week, Aries, you will continue to be as impulsive as ever. Your bold and reckless nature will lead you into one mishap after another. While others might see your adventurous spirit as admirable, we all know it’s just a guise for your inability to think things through. Don’t worry, though, because your lack of planning will surely result in some entertaining stories for your friends to laugh at. Just try not to injure yourself in the process. Taurus: Taurus, this week will bring you nothing but frustration and stubbornness. Your unwillingness to adapt will lead to conflicts with…
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HORRORscopes for the week of Oct 23, 2023
Aries (March 21 – April 19): Congratulations, Aries! This week, you’ll continue to be impulsive and reckless. Your fiery nature will lead you to make some questionable decisions that will probably come back to haunt you. But hey, who needs long-term consequences when you can have short-lived excitement? Taurus (April 20 – May 20): Taurus, this week is all about stubbornness and resistance to change. You will cling to your comfort zone like a security blanket, refusing to try anything new. Your persistence in maintaining the status quo will ensure that life remains as boring and predictable as ever. Gemini…
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